Chipping Norton Methodist Church exists to
We aim to fulfil this mission with through these aims
Our mission is to live out our calling, and our plans and targets for this are:
To encourage more people to become actively involved in worship through being local preachers, worship leaders, stewards, readers, greeters, musicians, flower arrangers, refreshment providers etc.
Supporting events like Bible month, Lenten Challenge, regular themed preaching, Thy Kingdom Come and Christian charities like Open Doors.
Looking for opportunities for renewal and revival throughout the year.
To lead worship out in the community in Care Homes like Beechaven and Penhurst Gardens.
Learning and Caring
Provide further opportunities for personal growth through house groups, bible study and study days.
To maintain a very efficient and caring pastoral care system.
To support those in need through coffee mornings, knit and natter, cuppa and craft sessions, charity collections, through support of the Food bank and to monitor the needs within our community.